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Friday, September 6, 2013

Michigan Tomato Harvest

I love Tomato’s!


Yes I do!  But, I don’t like to can them.  I know, I know this is the time of year in Michigan where canning is very popular, but I have only my husband and myself at home, and really, I can get a good canned tomato at the store. 


But I do love tomatoes.   Our good friend Wayne has been letting us pick fresh tomatoes.  He has maybe 10 plants, all different types.  I brought home a bunch and thought, now what am I to do?

Oven dried tomatoes!  That’s what.  It’s easy, a couple of ingredients, a little bit of time in the oven (12 – 18 hours hands off) and you have oven dried tomatoes.  Pack them in Extra Virgin Olive Oil  - and that’s that! Done!  That’s just what I did. 


A lot of tomatoes, and a few good jars of very intense tomato flavor, stored in the refrigerator for a few months, and I’ll be “picking” them to add to soups, stews, and pastas.


All you need is lots of tomatoes.  Cleaned, cored and cut into roughly the same size pieces.


Cookie sheets, cooling racks, I suggest parchment paper, some salt and away you go!

I should’ve start at night time and woken to the smell of lightly roasting tomatoes, but I was to eager!!!!  So at about 170 degrees, and 18 hours or so later, packed in oil. 


All I can say is Yum!




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